For a 250ml can of the beverage, how long it stays fresh depends on aspects such as what kind of drink we are talking about and in which conditions is stored by remembering whether opened or not. When unopened, 250ml soda cans will generally be good for around six to nine months after its best-by or expiration date if kept in a cool dark place. Under perfect conditions, this shelf life is extended to 6-12 months. An aluminum can is a great light and oxygen barrier, two of the principal spoilage factors involving cans.
Shelf Life: The time a product is usable and of the quality it was intended when released. For beverages which have carbonated, it is necessary to retain the amount of gas in them. Even if it is still safe to drink, the carbonation levels could deteriorate with time and can taste quite flat.
Beverage Daily reported in 2020 that a big shipment of canned beverages was likewise remembered as it spoiled faster than prepared. This brought into focus the necessity of storing properly and also, how the integrity of a can preserves freshness.
The shelf-life of the canned beverages can be significantly lengthened by following proper storage conditions as said food safety expert, Dr. John Smith. Coldness and shelter from the sun keep can quality stable.
After opening 250ml in can (Image and gcn ), you should finish the contents within 24 -48 hours. Oxidation immediately starts due to exposure of the beer to air, and carbon dioxide quickly dissipates. Refrigeration is recommended after opening to help prolong the shelf life as this will slow down degradation of most active compounds.
For example, soda in 250ml cans usually has similar shelf life to energy drinks but can lose flavor and nutrients much faster when the container is opened. That's especially significant with fortified products, which can become less potent over time.
A practical hint is to look for that "best by" datelabeled onto the can. This is the date whereby the manufacturer estimates that their product will continue to be at peak quality. Theoretically products are still safe to consume after this date, but the flavor and carbonation will no longer be perfect.
For more information on the durability and capabilities of 250ml cans go to 250ml can
In the end, a 250ml can stays fresh somewhere between 6 and up to about 9 months after expiration if stored correctly (kept in the dark). This beverage must be stored correctly and consumed within the recommended time after opening so that it remains at its best quality and is safe to drink.